
Taiwan 2023 Day 4

Woke up at about 5am to watch the sunrise at our balcony

No regrets, the sky was absolutely breathtaking~ 😍

We later went down to the first floor of the 民宿 and continued with the photography
Did a timelapse video too! AHHHH~ 😍
We stood with the sun all the way till the sun came up from behind the mountains

This insect ?spider watching the sunrise with us on it's web

As it was still slightly after 6am and breakfast was at 8am, we went for a morning walk
...to 7-11 to get something to appease our tummy for lugging it up with us so early.


Jackfruit tree FULL of jackfruit!

Bought a brown rice drink to share
Nice and a consistency thick enough to make us feel not as hungry
Doesn't this photo look like an advertisement?
minus the awkward fingers hahaha! 

Absolutely beautiful! 💕💖

Delicate and delicious breakfast! Loved it!

Sleep in after breakfast - continue recharging our battery to walk the remaining distance back to Itathao.
Checked out at 11am :)

Lunch! Again at 老爸 cuz dinner yesterday was amazing~

招牌爌肉饭 the fatty parts were melt-in-the-mouth delicious!
Super big bowl too! Both of us couldn't finish 1 bowl

Mango Shaved Ice. Really sweet and flavourful! 
Look at the love emitting from my sis's eyes

Last view of 水社码头 before setting off

Lilies in a mini pond~


A must-take we-fie!

After another walk along footpaths and roadsides, we reached 文武庙
Went in to pray and got a souvenir keychain for Mum

Probably the largest and cutest 石狮子 I've seen


As we are still tired from the day before and are a little behind time,
we decided to give 松柏伦 a pass. Maybe next time!

After a long, long walk ...竹笋!With a warning sign XD

4.5 frogs out of 9 frogs seen!

We sat in the rain with our umbrellas for a while staring out into the lake as we were exhausted

After that the sky was getting dark and we tried to quickly make our way back to Itathao
There were no street lamps, which would make walking dangerous after the sun goes down
The rain got heavier and heavier and finally started pouring when we were about 1km away from our destination.
That was when I saw a sign that says the footpath gates would close at 6pm
I freaked out and started walking faster
But sis was tired and was lagging behind

Nonetheless, we made it back in time!

The original plan was to have dinner at this eatery
BUT for whatever reason unknown, it was CLOSED
I swear we passed by it when it was open and operating two days ago

So... we bought street food for dinner instead
Which... was not bad :)
Crushed and melted pastries we bought at Shuishe pier

烤年糕 椒盐,黑糖口味

After eating we went to bed as soon as we cleaned up and showered
So tired...