
Half weight gone...

haiz... nobody's tagging my bloggie in the emergency room. Hope that the surgeon will work it out...

Who's the surgeon, if you ask. Me and all of you my frenz! ... *speechless

well went to claire's house ystdy for group work. Wondering what happened to the last piece of apple and what is the fate of the "lau hong" twisties. LOL

So very tired and angry that I did 3 hmwk in one breath. Had to buy my own lunch cuz my mum ate outside with my sis. They didn't get any food for me... T^T so sad..

Mrs Wong is retiring soon... will miss her although did not talk to her more than once and that was last year...

oh yah. Claire, I am sorry to say that but the Ferrero Roche you gave us ystdy was a little "lau hong" too. hehe. ^.^