

Hey Choir

Please do not forget everything you learnt this afternoon.
Starting next practice, I don't wish to see anyone needing to rely on the score anymore. We were supposed to memorise the songs since last Tuesday.
I know some of you need to refer to the score to get the dynamics right. However, I think we should not be relying on the score now - it's 11 days to our performance.
The only reason to bring your scores now is to refer to it when the conductor asks us to start from a certain bar.

We will be having longer and more frequent practices next week to build up the momentum for our performance. They will start at 9 and end at 5. More details will be given out on Thursday.

Our senior, Laura came to take a look at our choir practice today and helped us a lot. So, please do not let her efforts go to waste. We really need to buck up - our standard is still kinda shaky, considering how near we are to our performance date. At least, put in your 110% effort into singing so that you will be able to give a great performance.

Most most most most most importantly, do not forget all that you've learnt today. It would be pointless to have our practices wasted on techniques then. Remember to sing with your cheekbones lifted too. Many of you still don't do that. And anchor your voices, which you will need to take in deep breath to do so! That'll prevent you from going sharp.

Let's work harder together! =)

Hugs from Mei Jun



SIAO LEH... OK nvm.... T^T

continue... ... ...

To add on to my previous email to you guys,

Please keep your Friday open as we will be having an additional practice on that day too.

Please also be punctual for the rest of the practices.
Anyone who isn't going for the practices must inform their section (A1 tell April, A2 tell Winny, S2 tell Valetta, S1 tell Rui Ting)
The attendance for each practice will be reported directly to our dearest Juniper who will keep track of it.
In order to work harder, we should put choir first - at least make it that way for these two weeks. So, please do not miss any of the practices.

Do note that next week will be full of intensive practices in preparation to our performance.

Eleven days!

haiz... T^T mama...