
Yesterday... ^-^

Yups yesterday...

Went all the way to Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 to have the exchange with the only french school in singapore (I think). It is what... Lycee Francis De Singapour. weird name. right? Sounds like a famous Lychee tree of singapore. haha. Okay. Now to the school.

When we arrived, the students were simply staring at us as if we were from Mars. OMG. That really made me feel uneasy. After that, we went into the Amiphitheater<< if it was spelled like that, then I got a shock, their choir have no more then 20 pupils. Mrs Lim lead us through the warm ups and when we were going through the higher parts, the two girls beside me was like staring at me as if thinking, "OMG. Are u sure that this girl is in alto?" hehe. Then we sung "Why we sing " together, then it just dawned on me that they weren't ready! Worst still, they quite confused me, singing the wrong notes for the last few parts for the alto. Mama!! T^T. Okay nvm.

We sung 大海啊故乡and I realised that they didn't know that song too. OMG... so I was like the only alto 2 in the first row singing my part. so weird...

oky, they performed for us 2 songs and we performed like ... dunno how many songs. and then we took a picture together and left after geeting the teachers.

Okie now for the exciting part. Cheryl, Emily, Elizabeth, Angelina, Alicia and ME took bus 165 Cheryl, Angelina and emily alighted at the Ang Mo Kio Mrt station while, Alicia, Eliz and ME decided to sit al the way to Clementi, since it was nearer.

Guess what, after 1/2 an hour, we were still on the bus, :P LOL. I think we were about to get motion sickness with all the jiggling of the bus. O.o haha. I told them to take out alleluia incase the puke. HAhA.

Another 1/2 hour passed an guess what? we were still on the bus. I was getting goosebumps all over my body. Had I seen the board wrongly? I tried to peer out of the bus to see the board again but the words were too small. At that point of time, I really felt like getting down the bus to get a closer view. haiz...

That is when we saw the MRT!! CLEMENTI STATION! HERE I COME!

I heaved a sigh of relieve. poof!...

We walked towards the station. Wow. alot of people leh.

then we saw the train. I exclaimed, "my train!... eh wait, ur train!!!.." and pushed the both of them towards the train doors. Alicia and Eliz. got in and waved BYE BYE! My train came so I ran off to the other side of the platform. haha. exciting right?

So while walikng home after dropping at Lakeside, I bought an ice-cream to calm my nerves. so that's the end of my story. BYEBYE!!