
Just today...


Hello people...

*Yawns again*

Woke up at 6.15a.m. today. Just for a section practice.
Arived at about 7.53a.m. No Elizbeth, No Alicia, No Emily. Just Me. Just by thinking of that now gives me the creeps. Thoughts flooded my mind. Things like...

"Did I see wrongly? Today really need come arh?"

"OmG. What if only I am here? It will be VERY awkward. As if its private tuition. OMG..."

"OMG... Why is it that I am always so early? I shouldn't have come so early..."

"Maybe I really see wrongly. Nevermind. I wait until 8.15a.m. If still nobody then I go Home!"

Until I saw Alicia, I couldn't calm down. I was already like talking to myself...

Ok. Getting the keys was a serious trouble. The OMs just refused to give us the keys until Mr Tan appeared. sigh...

ok. Learnt the song Joiku and thought it was damn funny. I am still wondering whether to post another joke. hmm... maybe when I have nth else to post the I shall post the jokes or maybe... ok give me ur opinions on the tagbord. ^^