
Popped the COVID cherry

Well... It started with me feeling feverish and a headache brewing 
Grabbed a thermometer and checked - 37.7°C
Great. Still had to bite on and compose myself and continue the rest of the remaining 1 hour.
Told my oncoming shift to let me off 10min early since I was feeling unwell and was thankful that they nicely agreed. One of them passingly said "go test".
And so I did.
within the first 5 minutes. I saw that suspicious faint line. I knewI was screwed.

and yep, 10 minutes later, the line so bold as if shaking me up to reality. 4 years of being Covid naive has come to an end. Haha. 

Must have contracted it after a long night of shift at the fever facility, when I pulled the N95 strap wrong and the outside of the mask smacked onto my face.
Had showered immediately after that, giving my face a good wash.
So it seems... It did not work.

Throughout the night my headache was killing me, NSAID didn't help much as I started throwing up bit by bit of what I had eaten for dinner. Definitely from the intestines. It was bitter and not sour like normal throw ups. Took antacid tablets too to make sure I don't have acids murdering me next, but that soon too came back up into the toilet bowl. Such a pathetic joke.

So I alternated sleep with waking up to puke. A total of 10 times... I almost lost count. My heart was pounding at 100bpm, my head threatening to blow up. Knew I had to go see a doctor to get some meds but I resisted the idea of going back to NUH. The patient load there was high enough. So I hung on to my dear life till my GP clinic opened at 8.30am in the morning. Suddenly felt the infection's impact on my brain. Was holding on to my keys, yet went looking for it everywhere. Was holding on to a retch vomit bag only to realise it was gone after I got down the elevator. Had dropped it at the lift lobby upstairs.
Please not let this side effect stay... I'm silly enough.