

The first half of my shift today: 
1. Cracking one of my patients' phone password for her and drawing the pattern on a piece of paper to remind her + writing her sons' number down cuz she keeps rmb-ing it wrong. 
2. Writing down and drawing step by step how another of my patient can WhatsApp call his daughter who is currently overseas.
Thank God it wasn't that busy then, both of them were starting to become anxious and irritable as they don't know how to contact their loved ones.
Am I a nurse-cum-techsupport now? HAHAHA 😂. But it felt really good and satisfying when I see them slowly calm down as they listen to me teach them and can tell me again how to do it while looking at the piece of paper.
The same feeling when my patients newly put on IDC can do a verbal return regarding the care of their IDC. :)) 