
jumping into conclusions

Went to Sushi-GO with mum today
Ordered a cup of hot tea and a can of Qoo white grape drink.
The young waiter came and placed the Qoo Infront of me, the tea in front of my mum.
Little did he know, I was the one who wanted the hot tea.
Pocketed the coin token that were supposed to be used to try to claw an ice-cream from their ice-cream machine as a token of momento. Feel like pocketing the coins is more worth it.


post PH tsunami

 5am and still have people who are here for 5hours, still waiting for Dr... 
Maybe y'all can cancel and go home and go polyclinic?


Monday afternoons

Just another Monday afternoon shift in the ED...
Bold italic underline.

Just as if it wasn't bad enough, we've got annoying patients who are annoyed at us just because they needed to wait.
One pt went: I have been here for 8 hours, where is my ward and bed?!?? (On repeat)

So, I went and explained, the hospital is very full, there are no beds available for the discipline you're admitted under, you'll need to wait for a bit longer. Beds aren't given so quickly especially on Mondays where there are lots of patients. You're lucky if you did not need to wait for more than 12hours.

Inner OS: Gosh. 8 hours only... and you're on a trolley bed...wait till you have to wait for 2 days (yes, this has happened to my patients when the bed situation was really bad)

So I went off to serve meds for my other patients... He had some bleeding going on in his GI tract, I had earlier aspirated blood from his nasogastric tube.

This patient continues loudly: What kind of hospital is this? I didn't want to come here in the first place. Don't even have food.

Mark my words, he had just munched on some bread just an hour ago. And it was 7pm, still within the time which we can serve dinner.

So, while diluting my medication with one hand, I went to another zone to get him some rice. I layed the bento box down on his table, and had not have a chance to speak when...

He commented sarcastically: Nothing to drink ah?

So I took a deep breath, and asked what drink would he like?

He continues with his comments about how lousy a hospital we were, ignoring my question.

So, I took a deep breath and repeated. "So what drink would you like?"

He said water, and I gave him some warm water. Chinese older patients usually like their drinks warm.

Thinking he would finally be appeased or at least for that moment, I continued to serve my meds for my sick patient.

Until I heard him comment loud for me to hear.

"So late then give food, I no appetite already!"

My inner OS: Well, then you can leave it. I don't care anymore. Deep breaths... Inner peace... Focus on my medications...

So I kinda blocked him out of my head afterwards.

Later he shouted again that he hasn't been given any medication.

Which was not true. We have given him his meds in the afternoon via IV route. His medication due at night was out of stock in our medicine cupboard so I had requested for it from the pharmacy. Which means = he had to wait.

And yep, he continues to complain.

Whatever. If you can be so energised and be complaining about everything, you're well enough not to need my attention for the time being.

I'm going to let him be while I will wait for his medication to be fetched by the porter.

But in the end I still took the initiative to run to the pharmacy (which wasn't near at all) to get his meds.

And well, after the medication he continues to complain about the bed waiting time.

I give up.

I'm finishing my shift.

I'm outta here.

I'm not going to let him get to me.

Let him be.

While all this was happening, another of my patient who came in with a fall and head injury was demanding to be discharged right after the CT brain scan was done for her, refusing to wait for the report.

Like... the heck?

She was like: I am fine! I can run! You don't need to hold on to me!
As I was WALKING her to the toilet. Oh and did I mention? She insisted that I attended to her right away even though I was obviously speaking to another patient's next of kin who was concerned that she is no longer allowed to stay in the ED with the patient ( had allowed her in for a while to let the anxious patient settle down ) and I was reassuring her and getting her contact information.

Oh god. 

After getting her back on the bed I don't know how she got down again after a while and started pestering the doctor at her desk. 

Goodness. You're not the only patient ok? And our doctor isn't the one writing the scan report. It's the radiologist who are trained to read and pick up things from the hundred of images they have to screen through for one patient.

I really didn't have the time to spare for all this nonsense. 
If you aren't prepared to wait, please do not enter the hospital premises. Hire your own private Doctor. End of story.

In the middle of all this another patient who just came in not long ago, has not gone for his Xrays, just had his bloods taken, was asking for food.

Like excuse me? Do you think you're at a hawker centre? Can't you eat before come to the hospital? Well guess what, you can't eat now since we have to make sure you're well and will not need any surgery or procedures soon to save you.
Sorry, but what can I do?

 Another patient: The doctor just told me that I can eat, can I order food from you?

Excuse me, do I look like a waitress?

But I still patiently explained, no sorry, we don't take orders for food in the ED, we only have porridge, bread and crackers, are you alright that I get you some porridge?

She looked taken aback, almost as if I told her watermelons grew from trees.

She went on saying no... I have gastric issues I cannot just eat porridge like that. 

I was like... Isn't porridge almost the best choice of food if you have problems with your stomach? If not porridge then what? Sashimi? I don't know you madame.

So I kindly explained to her, you can always get your family to bring you food and drop it off at the ambulance bay counter where our staff will bring it in to you.

So ... she couldn't say anything else. There's really nothing much we can do anyways. Next time, bring your own private chef.



The first half of my shift today: 
1. Cracking one of my patients' phone password for her and drawing the pattern on a piece of paper to remind her + writing her sons' number down cuz she keeps rmb-ing it wrong. 
2. Writing down and drawing step by step how another of my patient can WhatsApp call his daughter who is currently overseas.
Thank God it wasn't that busy then, both of them were starting to become anxious and irritable as they don't know how to contact their loved ones.
Am I a nurse-cum-techsupport now? HAHAHA 😂. But it felt really good and satisfying when I see them slowly calm down as they listen to me teach them and can tell me again how to do it while looking at the piece of paper.
The same feeling when my patients newly put on IDC can do a verbal return regarding the care of their IDC. :)) 