


Just had my TPM
Everything "Meets Requirement"
Sister Celine was asking me if I had thought about promotion since it has been almost 3 years...

I was like... 
You all haven't even sent me to the basic ED courses, how am I going to be equipped with the knowledge enough to become a Senior Staff Nurse? (Of course, I didn't put it that way)

Have been pushing for it since last year for them to send me to triage course, trauma courses... But nope, they still haven't. Though I have been illegally triaging patients. Especially when I am at P2C and am the Zone in charge. Ha. Hahaha. So I apparently have not been pushing it hard enough.

What can I do? 

Can you understand the frustration of being an introvert plus a socially awkward person? I get stressed, super stressed in this kind of situations... Like for example, yesterday I had a patient in P1 who was transferred from AH for Melena and near syncope. The patient's Hb level was low and thus he required blood transfusion. Before the blood product had come, he had been allocated a bed by the bed management unit. My senior colleague was all ready to start to prepare to send him to the ward. Do you know how much inner courage it took me to voice out that I would want to start the transfusion here in ED first? This was cuz the ward will take longer to start the transfusion since they were had to go through the extra step of take written consent from the patient by the Dr prior, unlike in ED we take verbal consents.
After 30 minutes of transfusion and close monitoring I thought that the patient was stable enough to be transferred to the general ward, and so I voiced out during the Dr.s  rounds that pt has got a bed and vitals are stable, and begun the preparation process.
After I had prepared all the stuff, I thought that out of courtesy I'd call the ward first to ensure that they were ready to receive my patient (since blood transfusion required close monitoring and the pt has got other infusions ongoing and so I wanted the ward to prepare their infusion pumps). I was put on hold for 5 minutes, only to be told that sorry, can you call back in 15minutes, the nurse is talking to the other patient relatives. Not wanting to sound like a nurse who lack understanding between colleagues, I agreed... Only to be told 10 minutes later by my clerk that I cannot send my patient over, they are reshuffling the beds now. So I thought, okay, maybe they want to place my patient closer to the nursing counter ... And said alright.
Never did I expect to be allocated an occupied bed. Meaning I had to wait for the pt on that allocated bed to discharge and after the cleaner cleans the area and bed, and god knows when is that. So they obviously gave my bed to someone else instead of "reshuffling".
So I had to go and tell the ED consultant sorry, that the pt wasn't going to the ward afterall as they've takenaway the bed, and asked for permission to downtriage the patient to PAC2. He questioned why and asked why I didn't question them and scold the ward. I hope he's joking. He then commented that my face was red. Duh. I felt my blood rush up to my face when he asked why I didn't call to scold the ward staff.

You get me now?
I can't be the only one in this world that will feel this way right?

Ughs. Feeling horrible.

Went and impulse bought a bunch of snacks.

Guess my period is coming.


Inner peace.