
Finally, 1 has passed...

Hi people !
Sry hor.
My bloggy dead for sometime...
Today, I had English Paper 1 & 2
*sigh*... die liao...
For paper 2,
I only read the instructions after I did
11 qns. Noe what, we were supposed to
leave a line after every a & b. AND I DIDN'T!
Had to redo it -.-" Ggrrrrr (irritated again).
And that wasn't the end of the story.
After I finished my paper,
I read the instructions (dunno why)
EeeeK! We need to leave 3 LINEs after every
WHOLE Qns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I looked at the class clock...
5 more min! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I wanted to scream but did not dare to.
-.-" STUPID ME!!!