
Paranoid Personality Disorder

So... I am starting to feel pretty sure my mom has this 

So, according to this web, sign and symptoms:
  • Doubt the commitment, loyalty, or trustworthiness of others, believing others are using or deceiving them.
## believes there are scammers on Youtube that pops a scam when she is watching videos, asking her for money.

  • Are reluctant to confide in others or reveal personal information due to a fear that the information will be used against them
## refuses to put profile pictures (not even of random Google photos she likes) or birthday on her online accounts, refuses to put even her name initially. Thinks ppl can make use of that and do bad to her.

Recently she's saying that my aunt (my father's Sister) has casted black magic on her using her birthday and that's what has caused her hospitalisation few years back.

To this I argue: you means every one that ends up hospitalised are there because of black magic? Who is it so free huh. Every day I seen hundreds of patients getting admitted. Who isit casting spells on them? Got so many ppl nothing better to do casting spells everyday ah? Black magic work so well why not do it to benefit themselves instead.

Then she smiles and shut up.

  • Are unforgiving and hold grudges
Always holding grudges. Lost count. Example, repeatedly saying that if it was not for that worker that did not place the metal rod properly and causing her to hit her head and then all her studies went downhill and she became a drop out eventually and that's why she married my dad cuz of her low education level.

  • Are hypersensitive and take criticism poorly
My dad has gotten the hard end for this one. 

  • Read hidden meanings in the innocent remarks or casual looks of others
Recently was on the public transport back home with her after getting groceries from Jurong point.
Came home and she was talking about the group of ang mohs in front of us giving us glances and talking in a foreign language. I noticed that they did glance once or twice but didn't think much about it. Like whatever. 
She feels that they are talking bad about us.
I asked her if she had understood their language.
She said no but still insisted on her gut feeling.
I told her maybe they just think we're hot chicks. 
She laughed.

  • Perceive attacks on their character that are not apparent to others; they generally react with anger and are quick to retaliate

  • Have recurrent suspicions, without reason, that their spouses or lovers are being unfaithful
Uhm this she never reveal if she does think so.

  • Are generally cold and distant in their relationships with others, and might become controlling and jealous
Very cold and distant towards her mother and siblings. Though the long distant relationship may have been the cause.

  • Cannot see their role in problems or conflicts and believe they are always right
Stubborn in her beliefs 

  • Have difficulty relaxing
Very anxious. Especially when out of the house. Becomes very reliant on us. Gets jittery sometimes.

  • Are hostile, stubborn, and argumentative
Stubborn. Bold. Caps. Italic. Underline. Though she don't usually win me in an argument. Guess it runs in the genes.



Dreamt a weird dream.

Somehow was unwell at work, fainted or smth. 
Woke up and the Dr was telling me that I've got this gyne issue 
"Neemoid ecchymosis"
Lol this condition does not exist.
But in the dream it's something along the line where I had this weird swelling and bruise on my womb.
So I had to undergo surgery for it immediately.
Was calling my mum about it right before the op with the OT staff's phone. It almost felt like i was ready to die.
Very quickly the op finished.
Saw the many specimens from others hanging around.
Then I was discharged.
Was on my way home calling my sis to find my mom, only to know she's told my dad and he's bringing my paternal side of the family to the hospital to visit me.

I peed.
In real life too.