
Expanding to Wattpad! :D

Hihi~ I am putting my stories up on this web called Wattpad:)
I expand the stories I have on this blog there~
I edited 2 stories and expanded them alr ehehe~
So please support me by reading them:
Chanyeol’s story will be edited and updated soon on Wattpad too :D











自信,最终是自己给子自己的, 还是有他人给于的?



Do Dreams really convey a message to us?
Some believe it does, some don't.
Well, it is hard to decipher especially when your dream
s a normal yet a not normal one. AHAHA!















A Hug

A Hug

taken from my tumblr~ decided to try to spread it to my blog ahaha~
His eyes danced with excitement as he held on to the stick of the freshly made cotton candy. It was a mix of blue and pink, and purple. An impossible mix. He glanced around, searching through the midst of the sea of humans. Humans, everywhere…he thought. That’s when he saw his angel. Black singlet with a loose white top just reaching above her hips, blue jeans-shorts clutching her hips just right, revealing her pale thighs. But the most alluring of all, her mesmerizing smile that never failed to brighten everything up as she waved at him, sticking out her tongue a little, guilty of coming later than she had planned.
Sorry!!! Got a bit lost on the way here! Rong smiled sheepishly, tugging at the pink floral knot of her hairband.
How could he get mad at her? His heart already melted at the sight of her. I guess we’re quits now haha~ he laughed. Let’s go!!! He wrapped his arms around her and the twosome ran towards the nearest booth. (If you still don’t know, they are at an amusement park. LOL. Gonna be fun eh?)
They sat on rides after rides, played games after games, earning dozens of tokens to redeem all the stuffed-toys they can find. And then, the saw a booth that was… weird.
There was nothing but the words “Couple Challenge” and a small table with aGIGANTIC teddy bear winking cheekily at those who passed by. There were buckets of water in front of the booth(or do we count that as a booth?), and people gathered slowly out of curiosity.
COME ON AND CHALLENGE THE HUG OF EXTREMITIES!!! THE LAST ONE STANDING WILL WIN THIS CHAP BESIDE ME! The man manning the booth (ok. this is punny haha.) pointed to his left, a passer-by who stopped in his tracks in surprise.HAHA! NO! JOKING~ I MEANT THIS CHAP! And he pointed to the right, patting the teddy, sitting there invitingly for a hug.
It’s cute. Both of them said at the same time, smiling at each other at the co-incidence of the timing.
And so, … the man went on to explain the challenge. Rong and Yeol listened intently, occasionally glancing at each other with the understanding look of “It sounds fun~”, eyes opening as big as ever.
Let’s do it! Both said at the same time and laughed. They are getting better at that these days… I wonder why… 
The couples stepped into the water buckets and the people in charge added ice into the water, and had mega heat packs held between the two people as they hugged each other to prevent the packs from falling off. If it does, they are disqualified. If they lift their legs out of the water, well, they’re out too.
After 1min, more ice were added to the buckets and couples started to feel the chill, sucking in breath as if it can help the cold. Not. Every minute more ice were added into the bucket of water untill it reached the brim and the knees of the people.
The heat packs were very warm. Duh. They are heat packs after all. And the weather was definitely not helping as the sun shone its glamour across the park, probably laughing at the challengers too.
Thirty minutes passed and a few couples gave up, some fell out of the bucket due to the mystical force of unbalance, one couple even suddenly started arguing with each other. Not really nice to hear nor see, but definitely entertaining when you’ve got nothing better to do at the moment. Passer-bys even took chairs (they managed to find them somewhere) to sit and observe the challenge like panels of judges.
Rong and Yeol hugged each other, glancing everywhere else other than each other due to the awkwardness, their sweat from the heat of the heat pack mixing and their feets were numb. Rong giggled at the amount of sweat Yeol had trickling down his cheeks and neck. You’re ok? she asked jokingly, lifting one hand to wipe her forehead, pointing as she giggled, following the trickle of Yeol’s sweat as it disappeared after seeping through his shirt.
Yeah I am ok. Yeol smiled shyly, trying so hard to not think about the heat, plus the cold.The sight of her smile, I really can’t get tired of it can I?
Rong rested her head on Yeol’s shoulders, breathing lightly. Yeol leaned his head on hers, careful not to put too much weight on her, caressing her hair, the natural waves she had. Their chests so close together, feeling each others heart beat, almost as if it was becoming one altogether. I don’t mind staying like this forever.. both of them thought to themselves at the same time… yet again.
I think they’ll win. Don’t you?


A Potted Heart {2}

was the first part ok? >///< Ok, lets move on!
Fate bringing us together…
Now, ever since the two “collisions”, it seems as if they meet each other in the school compound even more often these days, spotting each other while coming to school, meeting in the school cafeteria while getting food, even in the library when they were studying during the breaks between the classes. Was that all coincidence? They smiled awkwardly at each other during the first few meetings but slowly, it became a casual “Hi!~”
Walking along the corridor to his next class, making sure he went early, Yeol spots the girl reading, engrossed in the book. Her eyes was filled with intensity and her brows knitted together, biting the edge of her lips. Yeol couldn’t help but smile at the cuteness of her expression and walked past her without disturbing her, tucking the hand that wasn’t holding the lesson’s materials into his pocket. Did his heart just flutter?
Shiganneun eopso~ naegerodaga~ Rong was getting on to her lesson, humming a familiar tune which she has been replaying in her phone for ever since it came out, when she passes by a class that was going on, looking into the class out of curiosity. 
There he was, standing confident and tall, reading out a part from the literature text, the class silent as they sunk into the scene along with his deep voice, the scenario ever vivid in their minds as Yeol read. Rong smiled as his voice filled her ears, walking past happily.
After classes ended, while waiting for the clique to end their various activities they have committed to, Rong went to the rooftop garden of the school. Well, not exactly a garden, just a patch of field with some bushes and flowers and a few wooden table and benches at the sides. She stood at the edge of the garden, arms on the white railings that encircled the garden, feeling great as the afternoon sun rays rained down on her softly. It’s a lovely day and Rong was glad to have the garden all to herself.
"Hey!" a voice said from behind her. Rong turned around and saw Yeol smiling brightly at her, (which in her heart was brighter than the sun). "They(your friends) said that you might be here so… ermm. This is for you." Yeol said as blood rose to his cheeks, holding out a cute a little potted plant he had hid at his back.
"For… me?" Rong whispered to herself as she cupped the plant in her hands. "Thank you!~" She laughed a little happily, eyes affixed on the plant. Was it because of its cuteness? Or was it because of who gave it? Rong’s heart fluttered along with her skirt against the wind.
"Whew…" Yeol’s heart relaxed, looking at her beautiful smile under the sun. Since when did giving someone a gift become so challenging?
"But why…?" Rong looked questioningly and shyly at the boy, who was relieved that she liked it.
"I .. uh… well, I kinda like making these things and I thought I could give you one… yah." Yeol smiled nervously as he clasped his hands, (hitting himself inside for being such an uncool asshole).
"Oh~, it’s really pretty! Especially the pink ribbon you tied at the middle of the pot. Thank You~" Rong smiled gratefully, while her insides are literally jumping for joy. >///<
Sweat glistened down Yeol’s cheeks as he heard that. God knows how many hours and times I tried to tie that - - - - - - ribbon properly! “Glad you like it hehe…” he said, heaving a sigh.
After a few days, Rong was at her locker taking out the things for the next class as she found a piece of pink post it note taped on the door of her locker. “Meet me at the park beside our school today. 6pm.” The  note said, with a drawing of a potted plant at the bottom right corner. Guessing who it was, Rong blushes, biting her lips and clutching the notes with both hands excitedly, jumping a little after seeing that no one was around.
Rong had on a lovely pastel pink dress with a cream-colored hem paired with a white pumps with a bow on each side… She sat nervously on the bench, clutching the pink post it note, reading it over and over again to assure herself that it was real as her watch ticked to 6 o’clock.
Fiddling to tie the ribbon on another potted plant, Yeol finally is done and rushes off after a final quick check in the mirror.
Rong glances from left to right, swinging her legs. Just then, a glass-potted plant appeared from behind her, just like the one a few days before, this time, with a creamy-white ribbon. She turned around, flashing Yeol who appeared after his plant a big smile. “You’re late~” she pouted and laughed as he sat down beside her, happy that it was not all a fantasy.
"Sorry!" Yeol scratched his head, looking guilty, placing the plant on the bench between them as Rong pretended to be angry which didn’t last long before breaking out into a laugh at his guilt-stricken expression that she thought was just so cute~
"Haha~ It’s ok…" Rong picked up the little plant from the bench, admiring just how pretty and healthy the leaves were.
Yeol huffed, relieved that he didn’t screw things up. “Do you like it?” He asked, licking and biting his lips, nervous.
Rong nodded, noticing a folded post-it tucked between the ribbon and the glass. She unfolded it. “I don’t know why but you make me smile. You are really a nice girl. Can you be my girlfriend?” the note said.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Yeol said, looking into her eyes.
Rong opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Was she dreaming? Her eyes glistened as she read the last sentence again, and again and yet again.
She looked from the note to Yeol and back to the note, slowly lifting her head up, nodding slowly. She didn’t know how else to react. She smiled shyly at Yeol, her eyes sparkling.
Yeol, thankful and delighted, swallowing as he slowly wrapped his arms around Rong’s shoulders tightly. How sweet she smelled, he just noticed.
So, from then on, the pair did everything together, going to school together, eating together when they had the same breaks, studying together, and even baked a cake for their teachers together when it was teacher’s day, (despite the teasing from the clique as their target shifted from the maknae to her, they are too sweet together~).
[Scene goes to a scene in the school library where both of them were studying together across each other.]
Yeol looks up at the serious Rong, putting down his pencil. He flipped to a new page in his fulscap pad and with a marker, wrote “I ♡ U :)” tapping on her desk before turning it around. Rong looked up and smiled at her cheeky boyfriend as he formed a heart with his arms.
Rong took the pad and and wrote on the next page, back-to-back.
”I ♡ U too~” She wrote, smiling.
At this rate, they are not going to finish their homework…
How was this part? haha!
For More Stories and scenarios, Please visit my tumblog! > MEOW's eFFicition~

파이팅 !



  1. 成为歌手
  2. 成为众所周知的歌手
  3. 飞到韩国
  4. 在宁静的市区角落组到房子
  5. 吃韩国料理
  6. 通过试镜加入韩国公司
  7. 才艺训练
  8. 学钢琴
  9. 学吉他
  10. 成为偶像团体的一分子
  11. 与团体共同努力练习
  12. 以团体之名得到奖项
  13. 与团体的演唱会成功
  14. 飞到日本
  15. 吃日本料理
  16. 拥有自己的屋子
  17. 养一只猫
  18. 创作歌曲
  19. 试一试演戏
  20. 创作卡通电影