
WHY MUST WE TAKE Social Studies ?!?!?!?!


Willy nvr come and see us of at the jetty..
Everyone so dissapointed man...
haiz... slept in the bus on the way back... so tiring...
want to post bout the 5 days but lazy to type.
nvrmind I still shall type

Day 1 -- arrival at camp 2...
(wondered why I was there)
Bags damn heavy. In the end, 1 strap broke. O.o
Did some simple activities.
Instuctor's name: Willy
Ate apple for lunch. Damn sour
Dinner was yuck...
Plain rice, sardine in tomato sauce, assam ikan billis, tuna.
Bath room no door, only a thin piece of curtain O.o
Can't sleep, nap a few minutes, wake up, nap again wake up....

Day 2 -- Capsize drill...
(took my first step into a huge water body)
Die. Dunno how to swim...
Serious lah. I can even touch the floor of the sea even when it is 2m away from the beach... Frantic... opened my eyes in the water... in the end? sore eyes... Stupid. Drop into the water purposely for what? Only to get you to choke and end up with dirty socks and shoes. Kayaked all the way from Camp 2 to camp 1... against the current... so tired... luckily we got cooked dinner ready for us at Camp 1. Camp 1 is much more modern toilet also cleaner... After dinner, cried in the toilet while waiting for bath. Totally stressed out. Sleeping on sharp pebbles... Thought going to die(cuz nvr bring sleeping bag to camp 1 mah) but in the end I slept like a baby... Saw jelly fishes(cool leh!)

Day 3 -- Land Expedition
(tired man...)
VERY tiring... bag so heavy... Walk up dunno how many rocky slopes rested only 4 times and finally reached the highest part of Ubin... 60+ meters... O.o... Muscles aching like siao... picked a heart shaped stone so cute!... pitched our tent at the beach... Had magee noodles dinner. Shared mess-tin with Siew Meng. :) When it tured really dark, want to go toilet dunno where so went with Chi Sin, Wen Hui and Grace... So scary... super dark kay!??! Toilet no electricity kay. 3 person shine torch while 1 person in cubicle. While going back got dog running after us in the dark. (I think our torch light made it angry) lol... Went to sleep... So many ants and who knows what else. So stuffy in the tent. Wanted to open the netting but afraid later got bug invasion... Haiz... Cannot sleep properly...

Day 4 -- Kayaking bak to camp 2...

This is the route. Stupid right? I think about 10km...
Muscle pain... but acomplishing something will cover up the exhuastion... :D
So happy you know! my leg numb like siao... knee also pain... :\ But STILL,... I AM SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had celebration dinner yummy!!!! We COOKED milo. hahaha... Jana presented it as "a brownish liquid, called milo" haha. Slept well also... XD

Day 5 -- Packing up
(cannot say I don't feel anything)
After we packed up, we had this jumping and reaching for the bell activity...
After that Willy made us go count the number of steps of the stairs leading to the top of the hill. I miraculously counted 96 when the actual number was 100+ O.o nvm... Willy was like "Aiyo, Yi Heng tell her the number..." I think he was like OMG... -.-'' then explained to me what we were supposed to do next (write letter to ourselves that is going to be mailed to us next year)(I was the last one mah). Guess what? he go and put his arm on my shoulder while explaining(not around lah) Awkward...

After that, Willy talked to us and really made the atmosphere so sad. T^T
He seriously is a nice instructor.

Twisted/sprained my damned right ankle after getting off the boat...(I stepped right into a hole...) Stupid. Now damn pain leh... T^T

So sweet right?? ^-^ COUSTEAU IS THE AWESOME ONE!
I will defintely miss OBS...O...